Our firm is experienced in providing a full range of legal services to charities and non-profit organisations from day one and throughout their operations in Cyprus and worldwide in a timely and cost-effective manner.
We also provide assistance in establishing new charities and non-profit organisations, including complex structures, and in restructuring existing charities and non-profit organisations in the event where their current structure is no longer fit for the purpose or certain regulatory requirements have to be fulfilled.
Our services cover the following areas:
• Establishment and registration of all types of charities and non-profit organisations.
• Provision of support in relation to cross-border and international charity work.
• Compliance and regulatory services.
• Advising on issues concerning governance, administration, internal disputes, memorandum of association and articles of association.
• Advising on restructuring aspects.
• Advising on all related tax aspects.
• Advising on available grants and fundraising.